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The promise of human genome editing for rare and genetic disease

Tickets are still available for the 2019 FORUM Annual Lecture on Thursday 5 September 2019 – for full details and to book your place, visit our event page.

Editing genes to treat human disease has never been easier, but with such progress comes important questions:

  • What are the ethical implications of editing the human genome?
  • How will genome editing be regulated?
  • And how do patients and the public feel about its use?

These are just some of the issues the 2019 FORUM Annual Lecture on 'The Promise of Human Genome Editing for Rare and Genetic Disease’ will explore.

Plenary speaker Dr John Leonard, Chief Executive Officer of Intellia Therapeutics, will discuss the opportunities, but also the responsibilities, that come with using genome editing technologies for disease therapies.

“Never before has there been a time in scientific history that we have the opportunity to do such great medicine, while at the same time potentially harm ourselves greatly."
Dr John Leonard, CEO of Intellia Therapeutics

A panel will then discuss the wider genome editing landscape, from the development of research tools to the ethical and societal implications of new therapies.

Joining Dr Leonard on the panel will be:

  • Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences (Chair)
  • Dr Sarah Chan, Chancellor's Fellow and Reader in Bioethics at the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
  • Dr Mathew Garnett, Group Leader (Translational Cancer Genomics), Wellcome Sanger Institute
  • Dr Alison Kay, Patient advocate
  • Dr Nicola McCarthy, Business Unit Manager, Horizon Discovery

The Lecture is free and open to all. It will also be livestreamed on the event page from the start of the keynote talk at 2.30pm. 

14.00-17.00, Thursday 5 September 2019, Hallam Conference Centre, London

To register, and for further details, please visit the event page.


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