Sir John Tooke joins REF review

Universities and Science minister Jo Johnson announced a review of the Research Excellence Framework (REF), the system used to assess the quality of research carried out in higher education institutions and used to allocate funding.

The review will be chaired by Lord Nicholas Stern, President of the British Academy, who appointed a steering group of experts to assist him in this task, including former Academy President Sir John Tooke FMedSci.

Professor Sir Robert Lechler, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences commented:

"I am delighted that Sir John Tooke has been appointed to the steering group of Lord Stern's review of the Research Excellence Framework.

"Sir John's career, spent at the boundary of research and clinical practice, and his time as President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, will ensure the biomedical sciences are well-represented in the review.

"The research ecosystem is constantly evolving, and it is vital that the methods of assessing its success develop in parallel. This review will provide a chance to evaluate the strengths and challenges of the previous exercise and ensure that the next REF, recently announced by the Minister for Universities and Science, builds on these foundations.

"The Academy looks forward to contributing to this process as it develops. "

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