PM announces £2bn for science

In her speech to the CBI this morning, the Prime Minister announced a £2bn investment in science and said Brexit was a ‘chance to do things differently’.

Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences commented saying:

"With UK medical research at a crossroads, this is a moment for ambitious decisions which place our strengths in research at the heart of the nation’s future.

"The Prime Minister’s decision to seize this opportunity with £2bn of extra annual investment in research and development by 2020 is a bold and clear signal that Great Britain means great science.

"It’s not yet clear how this new resource will be allocated. We would like to see a balanced approach to supporting the entire pipeline - from the discovery science done in our world-leading laboratories, through to the translation of this into benefits for society.

"The new Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund will be a chance to spot, and support, emerging technologies from across medical research – delivering benefits to patients and the economy. This long-term investment will help us attract bright minds from across the UK and the world, building the nation’s reputation as a champion for discovery and innovation.

"We look forward to further details following the Autumn Statement, and the Academy stands ready to help inform the efficient and productive deployment of this new resource. "


The National Academies have recently published Open for Business, a joint statement calling for the Government to invest boldly in research and innovation to secure Britain's top spot among the world's scientific superpowers.

The House of Commons Select Committee for Science and Technology also entered the debate with a report titled: Leaving the EU: implications and opportunities for science and research.



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