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New Honorary Fellows elected for 2019

The Academy of Medical Sciences has the great privilege of welcoming the three new Honorary Fellows who were elected at last year’s AGM. The three new Fellows will be formally admitted to the Academy at our AGM later this year.

Honorary Fellowship is offered to exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of healthcare and science.

The three Honorary Fellows joining the Academy this year are:

Rt. Hon. Lord Drayson PhD FIET FREng. CEO, Sensyne Health and former Defence Minister and Minister for Science and innovation.

“I am delighted to have been elected as an honorary fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. These are exciting times as engineering and computer science play an increasing role in helping us to improve human health. I am greatly looking forward to working with the Academy.”  

Professor Dame Anne Glover FRS, FRSE President, Royal Society of Edinburgh; former Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland and previously Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission.        

“There is something very special about being recognised by your peers and I am truly delighted to receive an Honorary Fellowship. All the more so when I look at the quality and achievement of the other Fellows and Honorary Fellows.”

Sir Harpal Singh Kumar Head of Johnson & Johnson Innovation, EMEA; Innovation Champion for UK Research and Innovation and member of the Innovate UK Council; formerly Chief executive, Cancer Research UK.

“I believe passionately in the power of medical science to change the trajectory of health for the public and patients across the world. We are in an era of fantastic progress, where the opportunities to make a transformational difference are greater than ever. The Academy plays a pivotal role in ensuring the environment for medical science in the UK is optimal, and in encouraging the very best medical scientists to realise their individual and collective potential. It is deeply humbling and the greatest honour to be welcomed in to the Academy’s fellowship.”

We are delighted to welcome these Fellows to the Academy and look forward to celebrating their formal admission in December.

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