Academy's Fellows win prestigious Royal Society Medals

Academy Fellows Professor Gideon Davis and Professor Irwin McLean have today been announced as the recipients of awards from the Royal Society in recognition of their excellent and outstanding contributions to their fields of research.

Professor Gideon Davies FMedSci FRS, Professor of Biological Chemistry at the University of York, has been awarded the Davy Medal for his field-defining work in determining the reaction chemistry of enzyme-catalysed carbohydrate transformations with major applications in medicine and biotechnology.

The Davy Medal is awarded annually “for an outstandingly important recent discovery in any branch of chemistry”.

Professor Irwin McLean FMedSci FRS, Professor of Human Genetics and Head of the Division of Molecular Medicine at the University of Dundee, has been awarded the Buchanan Medal for his major contribution to the understanding of the genetic basis of heritable skin diseases.

The Buchanan Medal is awarded biennially (in odd years) “in recognition of distinguished contribution to the medical sciences generally”.

The Academy warmly congratulates Professor Davies and McLean on their awards.


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