FEAM statement on Safeguarding European Medical Research post Brexit

The Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) have issued a statement on the Safeguarding European Medical Research post Brexit.

FEAM members include 18 national Academies of Medicine from around Europe, representing over 5000 top European researchers.

In response to the statement Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President, Academy of Medical Sciences said:

 “This statement from the Federation of European Academies of Medicine clearly demonstrates the importance of protecting European medical research from the potential damage that could be caused by a hard Brexit.

 “I have called on the UK Government to prioritise medical research in the negotiations and I am pleased to see my colleagues from across the Channel doing the same with their respective Governments. In this crucial week for Brexit negotiations, I hope that leaders from across Europe will pay heed to this shared message.

 “Over half of all research papers coming out of the UK now involve international collaboration. As the statement clearly shows, partnerships between UK and European researchers have never been more important and we must ensure the continuation of this once the UK leaves the EU.

 “The benefits of this collaboration are mutual. For example, UK medical research benefits from a highly international workforce, and in doing so, the UK acts as an important hub for the training for European researchers. For patients, particularly those with rare diseases, bringing together Europe’s finest expertise is essential to meeting a major unmet health need of over 30 million patients.

 “The health of patients and citizens in the UK and Europe simply cannot afford a Brexit that jeopardises medical research." 

The Academy of Medical Sciences is a member of FEAM and Professor George Griffin FMedSci is the current President of FEAM. This statement was approved by the FEAM Council and Professor Griffin and representatives of the AMS excused themselves from the Council’s discussion and abstained from the vote to approve.

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