Digital maturity of health and social care systems

On 21 July 2017, the Academy’s FORUM, in partnership with the Oxford Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), held a roundtable to discuss the digital maturity of local health and social care system. 

Chaired by Professor Gary Ford FMedSci, this roundtable brought together participants from across industry including pharmaceutical, digital healthcare and health data analysis stakeholders, amongst others, to explore the industry view of digital maturity in health systems. 

This roundtable was part of Oxford AHSN and other partners’ ongoing project to develop a toolkit for helping health care providers to assess the effectiveness of their digital systems. Digital systems are a key driver of improved health outcomes through better connectedness and collaboration. The model will support local healthcare providers to develop the digital element of their Sustainability and Transformation Plans and drive better integration and coordination of digital material for service delivery and research.

A summary report of the meeting has now been published and can be found on the sidebar to the right of the page. To find out more about the event, please visit the FORUM events page.

 Academy of Medical Sciences' FORUM

The Academy of Medical Sciences’ FORUM was established in 2003 to catalyse connections across industry, academia and the healthcare sector. Since then, a range of FORUM activities and events have brought together researchers, research funders and research users from across academia, industry, NHS, Government, and the charity, healthcare and regulatory sectors. Further information and details of future events can be found on the FORUM homepage.

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