DexEU publishes position paper on science

In response to the publication today of the DexEU position paper on science, Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences said:

“The UK scientific community fully supports the need for an ambitious agreement with the EU for science, and we welcome the paper being launched today. 

 “This paper helps to clarify the Government’s desire to maintain collaboration with EU research and to retain access to EU research funding. Association with the future framework programmes would be mutually beneficial for EU and UK research, ultimately delivering the best outcomes for patients and citizens at home and abroad. Our sector has called for the 'closest possible association' to future framework programmes and I am glad to see that the government has listened. However, we need to see further detail and clarity as soon as possible to provide the certainties the sector requires.

 “Nevertheless, it is important to stress that funding is only one part of the picture. Arguably the most important factor in determing the strength of UK science is our ability to recruit and retain the brightest and best minds and to collaborate effectively across borders. 

"In addition, in a post-Brexit era we will need a regulatory system that facilitates collaboration between the UK and Europe across discovery science, clinical trials and beyond, and ensures that patients continue to benefit from new discoveries. 
"We will need clarity on all  aspects of the ecosystem as quickly as possible to ensure UK science and innovation does not suffer.​"

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