Council election 2022: Call for nominations

Fellows are invited to submit nominations for this year's Council election. As the Academy's key-decision making body, our Council plays a pivotal role across all Academy work and it is therefore vital that it fully reflects the Fellowship.

Securing the participation of a wider diversity of individuals in our governance processes is key to strengthening the Academy and we must therefore ensure that Council represents our diverse Fellowship including voices and expertise from all corners of the UK and balance in terms of gender and ethnicity as befits a modern Academy. We must also ensure that Council reflects the Fellowship’s broad constituency of clinical and non-clinical medical and health sciences that we serve.  It is crucial that we secure a wide range of nominations as a starting point for the election.

All Ordinary Fellows of the Academy are eligible to stand for Council provided that at least one calendar year has passed since they ceased to hold office if they have served previously. To clarify, self-nomination to stand in the election is entirely acceptable - provided that it is supported by the requisite three signatures from other Fellows.

Two vacancies on Council will be filled through this year's election. Members completing their terms of office at the AGM in December are: Professor Michael Hanna FMedSci and Professor David Webb CBE FRSE FMedSci

The call for nominations letter from our President, the nomination form and accompanying guidance notes are available to download from this page. Fellows wishing to informally discuss the role of Council are encouraged to contact our Executive Director at [email protected].

Submit your nomination forms to [email protected] by Friday 9 September 17:00 BST. 

Key election dates 2022:

  • Early October: Fellows will receive election materials and voting instructions by email from our election provider Civica Election Services
  • 4 October - 8 November: Voting will be open
  • 6 December: Election results will be announced at the Academy’s Annual Fellows Meeting

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