Academy announces 2023 Honorary Fellows

The Academy of Medical Sciences has the great privilege of welcoming three new Honorary Fellows to the Fellowship.

They will be joining a celebratory event with Academy President, Professor Dame Anne Johnson PMedSci, and the Academy’s Honorary Officers in the summer. 

Honorary Fellowship is offered to exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of healthcare and science.

The three Honorary Fellows joining the Academy this year are:

Ms. Hilary Newiss FMedSci, Chair of British Science Association, Trustee Emeritus of the Natural History Museum and former Chair of National Voices.

“I am truly honoured and delighted to be elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. The Academy’s recent ten-year strategy emphasises the need to strengthen the voices of underrepresented groups, a welcome and essential focus. It's an exciting time to become more involved in the Academy's work and I look forward to helping them represent the lived experience of patients and public from diverse backgrounds.”

Professor Dame Julia King, Baroness Brown of Cambridge FRS FREng FMedSci, Member of the House of Lords and Chair of the Carbon Trust.

“I am thrilled to have been elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Climate change is one of the biggest threats to global health that we face, and a strategic priority area for the Academy. Changes to the environment can have profound effects on human health and I am pleased to see the Academy’s work which highlights the benefits to health that various measures to tackle climate change can deliver.”

Professor Marcello A. Barcinski FMedSci, Professor Emeritus, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

“It’s a brilliant time to be involved with the growth of the Academy’s international networks, building research capacity across the globe. Scientific research thrives when it is a globally collaborative effort, and The Academy’s international work demonstrates their commitment to this. I am honoured to be recognised as a Fellow of the Academy and look forward to meeting more of the Fellowship.”

We warmly welcome these Fellows to the Academy and look forward to celebrating their formal admission later in the year.

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