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20th anniversary Annual Meeting

This year’s Annual Fellows’ Meeting took place on Tuesday 27 November and included the AGM, a look at the Academy’s past achievements and impacts as well as focus on current and forthcoming projects and the annual Jean Shanks Lecture. This year's AGM was attended by over 60 Fellows.

Presentations were given by the President, Treasurer and Executive Director.

Read the Executive Director’s review of the Year.

Formal items of business discussed at this year’s AGM were as follows:

1. Approval of the minutes from last year’s AGM (held 5 December 2017)
2. It was agreed to invite the following individuals to become Honorary Fellows.

Rt Hon. Lord Drayson FREng
Professor Dame Anne Glover FRS FRSE
Sir Harpal Kumar 

3. Professor Michael Malim and Professor Ed Bullmore were welcomed as incoming Vice-President (non-clinical) and Treasurer respectively and the meeting recorded formal thanks to Professor Fiona Watt and Professor Anne Dell who demitted office from these roles.

4. The results of the 2018 Council election were announced. The following Fellows will be joining the Academy Council in 2019:

Professor Frances Brodsky FMedSci
Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak DBE FRSE FMedSci
Professor David Lomas FMedSci
Professor Patrick Maxwell FMedSci

5. The audited accounts for 2017/18 were approved and PKF Littlejohn were re-appointed as auditors for 2018/19. It was also agreed that there would a small inflation  adjustment in the Fellows’ subscription rates for 2019/20.

6. A Special Resolution was passed which re-affirms the authority of Council to submit the formal petition for Royal Charter status for the Academy.

Following the AGM, Sir Robert Lechler reflected on the Academy’s past, highlighting its impact over the past twenty years before chairing a forward- looking session of short presentations showcasing current and future projects which included talks by:

Professor David Rowitch: (Bringing great minds together – The developing brain in health and disease scientific meeting)
Professor Martin Humphries (FLIER – Future Leaders in Innovation Enterprise and Research)
Professor Dame Anne Johnson (Achieving influence and impact beyond the UK) and
Professor Dame Jessica Corner (The Departure Lounge- 2019 public engagement on death and dying).

Footage from this  session will be available on the Academy’s YouTube channel in due course.

The afternoon concluded with the 2018 Jean Shanks Lecture, `Stem cells and genome editing – from basic research to precision medicine’, presented this year by Professor Janet Rossant FRS, Senior Scientist and Chief of Research Emeritus, Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), Toronto and President and Scientific Director of the Gairdner Foundation.

The lecture is now available to view on the Academy’s YouTube channel.

At a ceremony before dinner, the Honorary Fellows elected last year, Baroness Manningham-Buller and Fiona Fox were formally admitted to the Academy with citations for them read by Professor Dame Anne Johnson and Sir Mark Walport respectively. The Annual Fellows' Dinner was attended by over 130 Fellows and guests.

Read the citations for Baroness Manningham Buller and Fiona Fox

View photos from the day on Flickr

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