10 things medical students should think about when engaging with research

Are you a student keen to get involved with research? Are you wondering if research is the right thing for you? Felipe Fouto from the Academy's Careers team shares his top 10 tips to help you get started:

Get ahead of the game

It’s never too early to look for research opportunities. If you wait too long you may have limited options.

Don't worry about experience

Everyone has to start somewhere. Many Nobel Prize winners started their research as undergraduates. Put yourself out there.

Find support

Get in contact with your local student research society. They can help you find the information you need.

Make connections

Grab all opportunities to network but be genuine. You might meet the person who will give you the chance to work in a lab or support you to write a studentship application.

Take a chance

You will never know if you enjoy research if you don’t try it! Don't be disheartened though if things don't work out first time. There are always learning points and always new opportunities.

Dig deeper

Look for grants and research projects. Sometimes opportunities available to medical students are not taken because students are unaware of them.

Start the journey

Once you get started, one thing leads to another and new opportunities will become available.

Be bold

Great research is often done by people who simply think differently. Explore your crazy ideas!

Think big

Lecturers and Professors often feel honoured to be asked to take part in student activities. Don’t be afraid to ask and don't limit yourself to asking one individual. Be persistent too!

Get involved

The INSPIRE scheme is promoting an array of activities to engage students with research. Contact your local INSPIRE lead!

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