UK drug discovery landscape

12.00, Monday 17 October 2016

This joint workshop between the Academy and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) to explore the 'UK drug discovery landscape', built on the findings of the ABPI survey and report on the current UK environment for drug discovery. The survey identified developments in this landscape over the past 5-10 years, and the changes in collaborations between industry and partners such as academia and contract resesarch organisations.

Meeting participants were drawn from across the healthcare sector spanning academia, industry, regulatory, Government and charities, amongst others. Over the course of the morning, delegates heard perspectives on the drug discovery lanscape from industry (including pharma, biotech and contract research organisations), academia and funders. Break-out sessions in the afternoon then provided the opportunity to explore some of the key themes from the report in further detail. The meeting was co-chaired by Professor Herbie Newell FMedSci, Professor of Cancer Therapeutics, Newcastle University and Dr Neil Weir, Senior Vice President of Discovery, UCB.

The meeting took place on 17 October 2016 and was by invitation only. For further details please contact [email protected]

The meeting report was published on 14 March 2017.

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