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Twitter chat: Work/life balance #medscilife

00.00, Thursday 27 November 2014

Do you ever wonder how others manage their work/life balance while carrying out research?

We've asked some of our Fellows and grant awardees how they do it, and we'd like to invite you to chat with them and compare notes.

We'll be holding a Twitter chat from our central account, @AcMedSci, using the hashtag #medscilife on Thursday 27 November, to talk about all things relating to juggling a work and home life.

If you have something to contribute, or you just want to sit and listen to the conversation, tap in between 12-2pm to catch the conversation.

New to tweeting or to Twitter chats? Find a guide to getting started on Twitter here, and an introduction to Twitter chats here.

Don't forget to include the hashtag #medscilife in your messages!

If you have any questions, you can also email our Communications Officer, Holly, at [email protected].  

Researchers of all genders and ages welcome - we hope to see you there!

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