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Twitter chat with Professor Geraint Rees FMedSci #MedSciLife

00.00, Monday 14 December 2015

Join us for our latest #MedSciLife Twitter chat, where Professor Geraint Rees FMedSci, will be hosting the chat and welcoming questions on his career to date, plus any tips and advice he has for trainees on developing their careers in academic medicine.

Currently Dean of Life Sciences at University College London, Professor Rees has had an extremely interesting career path to date. He'll be online on his own account from 12.30 - 13.30 GMT on Monday 14 December, so do join in using #MedSciLife and direct tweet him @profgeraintrees.

If you can't attend the chat itself, we are happy to receive questions ahead of the day - just email Catriona Hands or tweet us at @AMS_Careers.

If you're interested in joining but unfamiliar with Twitter, there are resources on their site to get started with. 

You can also find lots of guides to the Twitter chat format online, or contact our Communications Officer, Holly Rogers, for advice.

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