Running successful virtual teams: Cirrus Online Training Session

14.00, Wednesday 13 January 2021

Faced with the challenges thrown at us by a global pandemic we are all having to rethink how we work together as successful teams. The need to work remotely to stay safe, whilst carrying on delivering at pace, has created new stresses for managers and their team members.

This two hour Zoom workshop aims to help managers connect with and support their people, even when it isn’t possible to get together in person, with the view of not just getting by but actually thriving as a remote team. We don’t shy away from the inevitable challenges but explore how to overcome them and make best use of the tools available to us.


Key topics will include:

  • Understanding the human needs of a virtual team
  • Creating trust and affinity
  • Setting expectations and desired outcomes
  • Developing virtual presence
  • Making the best use of tools, techniques, and tactics to succeed


The live session will be interactive, enabling you to share and socialise ideas with fellow participants as well as practise and discuss your experiences in small groups.

Packed with advice, hints, and tips the session will be facilitated by an experienced consultant from our partner Cirrus.

Cirrus is a leadership, talent, and engagement consultancy with an extensive client portfolio in the UK and across the globe, working with major organisations as they transform leader behaviour to deal with a volatile and uncertain world.


This event is linked to the Academy’s COVID-19 Career Support Space, which has personal stories and free resources on a range of topics including Challenging Inequalities, Leading Your Team and Stress & Overwork.

These events are free to attend and will be held entirely online. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to be added to the waiting list in case of drop outs, as this event is now fully booked.

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