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Reproducibility: Crisis or opportunity? webinar with Professor Marcus Munafo

13.30, Monday 10 September 2018

Professor Marcus Munafo joins us for a webinar discussing how we arrived at a reproducibility "crisis", and how it can be seen as an opportunity to benefit individual researchers and science more widely.

Watch the full webinar below.


There have been a number of high profile cases of academic fraud, but a more insidious threat to the integrity of science is the extent to which distortions of scientific best practice increase the likelihood that published research findings are in fact false.

There is growing evidence for a range of systemic problems within science, such as flexibility in the analysis of data, selective reporting of study results, publication bias against null results, influence of vested (e.g., financial) interests, and distorted incentive structures.

A number of strategies for improving the situation will be discussed.  The webinar will take the form of a talk, with opportunities for audience participation and questions. 

Professor Munafo is joining us from the University of Bristol, where he is a Professor of Biological Psychology. Professor Munafo published a manifesto for reproducible science in Nature which may be useful background reading for the webinar. 

The Academy held a symposium to explore the challenges and opportunities for improving the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research in the UK, and the report from the symposium provides additional background reading.

This webinar forms part of our suite of career development resources, which are generously supported by NIHR. 

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