Meet the new Academy President - virtual UK tour

4 February - 4 March 2021

The Academy’s new President, Dame Anne Johnson, will be undertaking a virtual tour of the UK to meet with Fellows, hear their views and engage on issues of importance.

The meetings will be hosted by our Regional Champions and each session will last about an hour. Dame Anne will explore the priorities for her Presidency and offer an opportunity for Fellows to express their views and feedback through open discussion. Ideas and discussion from these meetings will  inform development of the Academy’s next 10-year strategy -  to be progressed later this year.    

Meetings will take place via Zoom. Information on dates and times is available below. If Fellows are unavailable for their local event, they are welcome (and encouraged) to attend one of the alternative sessions.

Attendance at these events is limited to Academy Fellows only. Online booking is required in order to receive connection details for your chosen meeting. To register your attendance at any of these meetings, please click on your preferred date/region below.

We look forward to welcoming you at one of the events soon. 

Scotland:                                             Thursday 4 February,   09.00-10.00   
                                                              hosted by Professor Mandy MacLean

Midlands:                                            Wednesday 10 February,  15.00-16.00
                                                              hosted by Professor Phil Baker

North West & N. Ireland:                 Tuesday 23 February,  11.00-12.00
                                                              hosted by Professor Dame Nicky Cullum

North East & Yorks/Humber:           Tuesday  2 March,  13.00-14.00 
                                                              hosted by Professor David Beech and
                                                              Professor Derek Mann   

South East:                                         Wednesday 3 March,   15.00-16.00
                                                               hosted by Professor Peter Johnson   

Wales & South West:                         Thursday 4 March,  09.00-10.00
                                                               hosted by Professor Julie Williams 
                                                               and Professor Ashley Blom 

East Anglia:                                         Thursday 4 March,  16.00-17.00
                                                              hosted by Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald           

For the moment, we have decided to prioritise the regions outside London for this tour, as we seek to promote wider connectivity across the UK and hear views from areas less represented within the Fellowship.  Later in the year, there will, of course, be an opportunity for London-based Fellows to engage directly with Dame Anne and the Academy office will be in touch about this once plans are more advanced.



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