Health economics for stratified medicine

00.00, Wednesday 05 October 2016

The Academy of Medical Sciences held a joint workshop with the Pharmacogenetics and Stratified Medicine Network to explore the health economics for - and 'value' of - stratified medicines. The meeting, which took place on the 5 October 2016, explored gaps in the health economics base for the assessment of stratified medicines and diagnostics and ways to address these gaps, as well as considering the factors that are important when evaluating these technologies.

Delegates heard presentations from leading academics and organisations in this area, as well as perspectives from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, industry and patients. They then further explored some of the key challenges to, and important considerations for, building a fit-for-purpose health economics model for stratified medicine during afternoon workshop sessions. The meeting was chaired by Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed FMedSci.

This event is by invitation only, please contact [email protected] to discuss this event.

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