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Fellows' discussion dinner: Professor Mark Ferguson, `Research funding and scientific advice: how to satisfy the needs of government, funders, providers, industry and the public'

00.00, Thursday 10 November 2016

Fellows are invited to attend a discussion dinner at the Academy featuring a talk by Professor Mark Ferguson CBE FMedSci, Director General, Science Foundation Ireland.

Attendance costs £60 per head which includes drinks and a three-course meal. Fellows may bring one non-Fellow guest.


The pace of scientific discovery is intense, the time from discovery to application shortening and research funding from the taxpayer at unprecedented levels. So the demands on the ‘science system’ are appropriately intensifying – beyond the public good of excellence to impact, talent development, entrepreneurship and application. The demands and priorities of the ‘science system’ come into sharp focus at times of economic austerity. Ireland has emerged from a difficult and deep economic crisis (with significant austerity cuts to public services and funding) to become the fastest growing economy in Europe. Despite deep cuts in public expenditure, the budget for scientific research was largely preserved and is now planned to double out to 2020. The talk will describe how this was achieved including: prioritisation (small countries are not scaled down versions of large countries – we cannot do everything well), definition and prospective assessment of impact, collaboration with industry and internationally, developing and attracting talent.  Ways of promoting use of science within Government will also be described.

For more information contact [email protected] or book a place using the form below.


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