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Fellows Discussion Dinner: Christine Harrison `Chromosomes, genes and improved treatment of acute leukaemia'

00.00, Monday 29 September 2014

41 Portland Place Academy of Medical Sciences


Fellows are invited to attend a discussion dinner at the Academy, featuring a talk by Professor Christine Harrison FMedSci, Professor of Childhood Cancer Cytogenetics, Newcastle University

Attendance costs £60 per head. Fellows may bring one non-Fellow guest. 

For more information, contact [email protected] or book a place using the form below.

Chromosomes, genes and improved treatment of acute leukaemia

I will talk about the major role of chromosomal and genetic changes in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, which have been pivotal to improvements in survival of patients over the last few decades. I will describe how the finding of a new chromosomal abnormality led to the modification of treatment, which has vastly improved the outcome of these patients. I will cover the discovery of some new genetic groups of patients identified from next generation sequencing studies, which are leading to personalised therapy with hope for patients who otherwise do not respond to conventional treatment.

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