Evidence Synthesis: Supply and Demand

10.51, Monday 24 July 2017

The Royal Society London

6-9 Carlton House Terrace

On 24 July 2017 the Royal Society and the Academy of Medical Sciences convened a joint workshop on ‘Evidence synthesis: supply and demand’, as part of an overarching project to explore existing models and develop a set of principles for good evidence synthesis for policy makers. Chaired by Professor Christl Donnelly FRS FMedSci, the meeting convened senior stakeholders from across disciplines. Participants drew on new rapid evidence techniques and methods for combining both qualitative and quantitative information from multiple sources and together examined the obstacles for academics to complete high-quality, timely and accessible work for policy making.

A full meeting report will be published in due course, and the principles identified taken forward in a second event in October 2017. 

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