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Distance Mentoring Webinar

10.00, Thursday 23 April 2020


This 90 minute webinar on Distance Mentoring is open to all. We particularly recommend that mentees and mentors taking part in the Academy’s Mentoring, SUSTAIN and FLIER programmes take part.

Due to the current challenges presented by COVID-19, an increasing amount of our day to day lives are being conducted remotely and online. This webinar will aim to explore the important role that Distance Mentoring relationships can play in these challenging times, and how you can get the most out of your mentoring relationship remotely. It will focus on adapting mentoring techniques for remote use, learning best practice, and discussing the opportunities and challenges presented by distance mentoring, with ample opportunity to ask questions with our expert mentoring facilitator.

 As a result of this workshop, you will have a clear understanding of:

  • Tools and approaches that can maximise the effectiveness of Distance Mentoring
  • The roles of mentor and mentee within distance mentoring
  • How to establish and manage expectations within the mentoring relationship 
  • Different platforms that can be used to conduct distance mentoring, and their pros and cons.

You will have an opportunity to explore potential challenges during distance mentoring, and possible solutions, while asking our facilitator any questions you have.

The session will be facilitated by Dr Sam Chittenden of Different Development.  Sam is a coach, mentor and trainer with a wide range of experience in personal and team development.  She is a regular facilitator on the Academy’s programmes.

The Academy’s Mentoring programme is open to certain cohorts of post-doctoral and independent researchers funded by MRC and NIHR, as well as our award holders and grant applicants, you can find out more about eligibility here. Our mentor pool includes Academy Fellows, NIHR Senior Investigators and NIHR Research Professors.

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