10.00, Thursday 17 November 2022
Life Sciences Hub Wales Cardiff
3 Assembly Square, CF10 4PL
The first event of the Academy of Medical Sciences Cross Sector Programme will bring together innovators and researchers across careers and fields to explore the value of collaboration between academia, industry and the NHS to drive forward innovation in precision medicine.
The event will raise awareness of the benefit of cross sector working and offer a collaborative funding scheme to promote health innovation (seed funding available to develop collaborative projects).
The event will include:
- Inspiring talks from Dr Rob Orford, Chief Scientific Adviser for Health, Welsh Government, Professor Julie Williams FMedSci, UK Dementia Research Institute Centre Director, Wales, Professor Sir Michael Owen FMedSci FLSW, Cardiff University, Wales, and Industry representatives Dr. Elin Haf Davies, Aparito, and representatives from Jellagen and Copner Biotech.
- You will have the opportunity to network with other participants to find areas of common interest and explore further connections and potential collaborations.
Reasons to attend
Professor Jackie Hunter CBE FMedSci speaks to us about the Cross-Sector Programme and what's in it for innovators and researchers across careers and fields.