Accelerating safe and effective adoption of artificial intelligence in the healthcare system: learning by doing

Friday 17 March 2023 - one-day FORUM workshop

The Academy of Medical Sciences

41 Portland Place London

The Academy of Medical Sciences’ FORUM hosted a one-day workshop on ‘accelerating safe and effective adoption of artificial intelligence in the healthcare system: learning by doing’, in partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering.

There is a window of opportunity for AI-based health technologies to deliver numerous benefits to patients and healthcare systems in the UK. Using a systems-thinking approach, this workshop explored the accelerators and challenges for different stakeholders for the safe, effective and equitable adoption of AI-based health technologies in the healthcare system. The workshop brought together end-users such as healthcare professionals and patients with other key stakeholders in the space, including researchers, developers, regulators, and commissioners. 

Read the news story associated with this workshop here: AI in healthcare: learning from success stories.

This invite-only FORUM workshop took place in-person on Friday 17 March at The Academy of Medical Sciences, 41 Portland Place London. For more information please email the FORUM team.

The Academy’s FORUM provides a neutral and independent platform for individuals from across academia, industry, the NHS and Government, and the charity, regulatory and wider healthcare sector, to meet and take forward national discussions on scientific opportunities, technology trends and associated strategic choices for healthcare. Find out more.

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