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The Academy of Medical Sciences & The Lancet International Health Lecture 2022

16.30, Tuesday 20 September 2022

Henry Wellcome Auditorium

Wellcome Collection 183 Euston Road, London

The 2022 International Health Lecture took place virtually and in person on Tuesday 20 September presented by Professor Victor J. Dzau


See the full recording here:  



Has traditional academic medicine had its day?  

Rapid advances in science and technology, increased pressure on health systems and stresses in working environments, the rise of infectious disease crises and other health threats, such as COVID-19 and climate change are challenging the traditional model of academic medicine. In this lecture, Professor Dzau will discuss the threats to academic medicine in a rapidly changing environment and examine how new approaches will be necessary for its future.

Professor Victor J. Dzau is the President of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), formerly known as the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in the United States. In addition, he serves as Vice Chair of the National Research Council. Professor Dzau is also James B. Duke Professor of Medicine and Chancellor Emeritus at Duke University and the past President and CEO of the Duke University Health System. Professor Dzau is recognised globally for a long and highly decorated career as a scientist, administrator and leader. His important work on the renin angiotensin system (RAS) paved the way for the contemporary understanding of RAS in cardiovascular disease and the development of widely-used lifesaving drugs.

In his role as a leader in health, Professor Dzau has led significant efforts in health innovation. His vision is for academic medicine to lead the transformation of medicine through innovation, translation, and globalisation. In 2010, he advanced the concept of Discovery to Care Continuum (bench to bedside to population) which has been widely accepted as the model for academic medicine for the past decade. To create an innovation ecosystem, he developed the Duke Translational Medicine Institute, the Duke Global Health Institute, the Duke Institute for Health Innovation and the Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School.

Recently, in addressing significant changes and demands on medicine and society, he expanded his concept to Bench to Bedside to Population to Society that would include the integration of care delivery with population health, addressing social, economic, and environmental determinants, and the important use of data science.

Professor Dzau will be joined by a global expert panel who will be giving short talks:

  • Professor Rakhi Dandona, Professor, Public Health Foundation of India; Professor of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington
  • Professor Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases, and Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
  • Professor Iain Buchan, Chair in Public Health and Clinical Informatics, and Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Innovation, University of Liverpool

The lecure will be followed by an open Q&A session with speakers, chaired by Professor Richard Horton FRCP FMedSci, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, and a networking and drinks reception for in person attendees.

Watch previous lectures and find out more about our Academy of Medical Sciences & The Lancet International Health Lecture series.

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