The 2021 FORUM Sir Colin Dollery Lecture - Showcasing the UK's scientific contributions to tackling the pandemic

14.00, Thursday 25 November 2021

The 2021 FORUM Sir Colin Dollery Lecture was themed on Showcasing the UK's scientific contributions to tackling the pandemic. UK science and research has been at the forefront of understanding and mitigating COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on our lives. At this Lecture, we showcased some of the key contributions research has made throughout this global crisis, heard from some of the people leading or involved in this research, and examined what lessons we can learn to better deal with future scientific and health challenges.

Following a series of short talks on some of the highlights of UK research over the last 18 months, there was a panel discussion where we looked forward about what the pandemic has done to change the way we do research in the future.

The Lecture took place as a 'hybrid' seminar, both online and in-person, on Thursday 25 November from 13.00 to 17.00 and was free to attend and open to all. The in-person seminar was held at the 41 Portland Place and livestreamed to a wider audience.

For more information, please e-mail [email protected].

The FORUM Sir Colin Dollery Lecture is named in honor of Sir Colin Dollery FMedSci. In his role as Treasurer in 2003, Sir Colin was instrumental in the creation of the FORUM.

This lecture was organised through the Academy’s FORUM programme, which provides a neutral and independent platform for individuals from across academia, industry, the NHS and Government, and the wider healthcare sector, to meet and discuss opportunities, technology trends and strategic choices for healthcare.

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