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2016 Sackler Lecture & MedSciLife lunch

00.00, Thursday 24 November 2016

41 Portland Place Academy of Medical Sciences

Professor Elaine Fuchs, Professor of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development at the Rockefeller University delivered the Academy's 2016 Sackler Lecture on Thursday 24 November.

The lecture formed part of our #MedSciLife programme which aims to share the life experiences of those working in biomedical research, to celebrate diversity and provide advice and support to biomedical researchers at all stages of their career.

Professor Fuchs' talk focused on her passions and inspirations as well as exploring her career path to date and the opportunities and challenges she has experienced along the way. She shared reflections on how her experience both inside and outside the lab have benefited her work and shaped the researcher she is today.

After the lecture guests had the opportunity to make connections and share their experience of life and work in medical science over an informal lunch.

You can view photos from the event here.

About the speaker:

Elaine Fuchs is Rebecca Lancefield Professor of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development at Rockefeller University. She is renowned for her research on skin biology, its stem cells and associated genetic disorders.She holds a BSc (highest distinction) in Chemistry from the University of Illinois, PhD in Biochemistry from Princeton and completed postdoctoral training at MIT. Prior to Rockefeller, Fuchs was Amgen Professor at Chicago University She is the recipient of numerous awards including the US National Medal for Science and a L’Oreal-UNESCO Award. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, American Philosophical Society and EMBO. Fuchs is past President of American Society of Cell Biology and International Society for Stem Cell Research. She has trained more than 100 students and postdoctoral researchers

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