Council election 2023, nominations invited

Have you thought about standing for Academy Council this year or nominating a colleague to do so? These are critical times for UK science as our recent report `Future-proofing UK health research’ highlighted and we need your expertise and insight.

Fellows are invited to submit nominations for this year’s Council election. As the Academy's key-decision making body, Council plays a pivotal role across all Academy work and it is therefore vital that it fully reflects the Fellowship.  All Ordinary Fellows of the Academy are eligible to serve on Council, including those most recently elected. Self-nomination to stand for election is entirely acceptable - provided that it is supported by the requisite three signatures from other Fellows. We are keen to receive nominations from Fellows enthusiastic to get involved in our work.

We wish to thank Professor Mandy Maclean, Professor Neena Modi and Professor Eleanor Riley for their contributions to Council. They will be completing their terms of office at the AGM in December, leaving three vacancies to fill through this year's election.  

Securing the participation of a wide diversity of individuals in our governance processes is key to strengthening the Academy and we therefore strive to ensure that Council represents the breadth of  disciplines across the health and medical sciences and the perspective of Fellows from all  corners of the UK. We must also ensure that Council is balanced in terms of gender and ethnicity as befits a modern Academy.  To achieve this, it is crucial that we secure a wide range of nominations as a starting point for the annual election.

Please read the President’s call for nominations on this page. The nomination form and accompanying guidance notes are also provided.

Fellows wishing to informally discuss the role of Council are encouraged to contact the Executive Director ([email protected])

Please submit your nomination forms to [email protected] by Friday 8 September 17:00 BST.

Key election dates 2023:
• 3 October: Fellows receive ballot materials and voting instructions (by email) from Civica Election Services
• 3 October-7 November: ballot open
• 5 December: results announced at the Academy’s Annual Fellows' Meeting

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Meet the President - Edinburgh

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