Facing up to the health data challenge

Dr James Pickett is a FLIER participant and Hub Development Manager at Health Data Research UK, the UK’s national institute for health data science. James has told us what issue in health research he would like to tackle and how the FLIER programme will help him to achieve this.


Q: What issue in health research do you want to take on and why?

A: Data about ourselves is extremely precious and immensely powerful for explaining health, disease and the world we live in. I want to help create a situation where there is streamlined and fair use of healthcare data for research, in a way that is secure and trusted by the public. We need greater incentives and rewards for those that prepare and share data. I’m fairly new to working in health data and I can see we’re on that journey, but that there is so much to do and there are many partners involved. It’s an ideal challenge for the FLIER programme.

Q: What have you learnt on the FLIER programme and how are you putting it into practice?

A: Shortly after joining the FLIER programme, I changed roles and I left most of my subject-matter expertise behind. This has pushed me into working in a space where I need to draw on the leadership skills that we’ve learnt through the programme and draw together collaborations to progress towards my goals.

Q: Has there been anything surprising about the FLIER programme?

A: That everyone, no matter how objectively successful they are, has doubts, fears and failures at times. As a group, we have shared our successes but also our insecurities and the times when things haven’t gone so well.

Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?

A: Computers are going to be important in the future. Learn to code. I’m in a growth mindset now – why not tell it to my current self!

Q: What are your hopes for the future in research?

A: I’ve been fortunate to be involved in one of the National Core Studies which were set up to tackle some of the challenges posed by COVID-19. This has involved hundreds if not thousands of people across a huge range of expertise and sectors, with involvement of both the public and policy decision makers. I’d like to see the research response to COVID-19 as a model for how we can tackle many of the great challenges facing our society today, such as climate change.


Dr James Pickett is a participant in Round 2 of the Academy of Medical Sciences’ FLIER programme, a unique programme that will develop leaders of the future who can create collaborations across academia, industry, the NHS and government to drive innovation.

The FLIER programme is generously supported by the Dennis and Mireille Gillings Foundation and the Government Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy ‘Investment in Research Talent’ fund. You can find out more about our funding model and explore our donors here, or visit our Support Us webpage to explore ways to help our work. 

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