How we make awards

Our grants schemes assist us in our aim to nurture the next generation of biomedical researchers. Our schemes are aimed at early to mid career researchers and our Selection Panels endeavour to identify the best applicants to support.

This section provides an overview of our award process. Please refer to each scheme’s webpage for specific information on the award process for individual schemes.

  1. Funding application
  • Applications for funding are submitted via an online grant management system; please see the webpage of the relevant scheme for further information.
  • Your application must be approved and signed off by your Host Institution (and Visit Institution, if applicable) before it is submitted to us.
  • We perform an eligibility check on all applications and also verify whether the application form provides all the information that the Selection Panel will need to make a decision.
  • Your application will then be peer reviewed by experts in your area before consideration by the Panel, if applicable to the particular funding scheme.
  1. Funding decision
  • The Selection Panel considers all eligible applications received in order to make the funding decisions. Our Panels follow our Conflict of Interest policy when considering applications. The composition of the Selection Panel for each scheme is listed on the scheme’s webpage.
  • All applicants are informed of the funding decisions and where possible, are given feedback on their application.
  • If you are successful, you will be issued with an Award Letter accompanied by Award Terms & Conditions and an Award Acceptance Form. (The Terms & Conditions can also be downloaded from the each scheme’s webpage.)
  • You and your Host Institution (and Visit Institution, if applicable) must accept the award by signing and returning the completed Award Acceptance Form within a month of its issue date.
  1. Post-award
  • Payments are normally made in whole in advance upon acceptance of the award.  For the Clinician Scientist Fellowships and Newton International Fellowships, payments are made yearly according to the relevant payment schedule.
  • You will be required to report on your award progress annually. Please visit this page for more information on reporting.


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