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Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke FBA FMedSci

Job Title
Professor of Developmental Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience
King's College London
Year elected



Neuro-developmental origins of mental disorder in childhood and adolescence.

Section committee elected by

Psychiatry, psychology and mental health, behavioural science, genomics, epidemiology, clinical trials, population health sciences and global health

Online Information

Personal Website

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Edmund Sonuga-Barke is Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Southampton. His research has covered a wide field of developmental psychopathology and he is well known for his formulation, elaboration and testing of a distinctive neurocognitive approach to the problems of attention deficit and hyperactivity. His work has changed radically our understanding of ADHD: from a fixed deficit theory about attention to the modern view, based on several alterations of decision-making and response to reward, responsive to environmental change as well as constitution. He was the intellectual leader of the European ADHD Guidelines Group, whose reviews and conclusions have had a major impact on treatment in Europe, including NICE guidelines for the NHS.

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