Internal policies and processes

Our policies and processes to ensure good practice include a Bullying and harassment policy, a Code of Conduct, a Conflict of interest policy, and using two members of Council as champions to support our equity work. All policies are available to download from the side of this page.

Our Fellowship election process is reviewed by a Fellowship committee each year. We send our briefing note on unconscious bias to all committees electing new Fellows each year. We have published top tips on supporting diversity for decision-making committees aimed at all Fellows and senior researchers.

Our Academy committees will continue to poorly represent the wider scientific community while our Fellowship remains only 19% female and 6% from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups. Until the pool we draw from gets bigger we need to make extra efforts to seek, support and empower individuals to bring diverse voices into our work and give them the power to effect change while they are there.

We support staff to learn about their area's strengths and challenges. Internally we host training sessions and share resources. Externally we communicate across our sector, including through talks to share our approaches and ideas. Learn more in the below three minute video and accompanying blog, based on a talk for the Association of Medical Research Charities.

Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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