Grants and Programmes Internship Scheme

About the Academy

The Academy of Medical Sciences is the independent, expert voice of biomedical and health research in the UK.

Our vision is good health for all supported by the best research and evidence.

Our mission is to help create an open and progressive research sector to improve health of people everywhere.

  • We support researchers with innovative funding and career development opportunities.
  • We help create a more sustainable environment for delivering outstanding research
  • We help researchers to work with academia, the public, charities, policy makers, health and social care partners, and industry to make the greatest difference to health. 


Our new strategy for 2022-2032 focusses on the following strategic priorities.  

  1. . Influence policy and practice to improve the lives of patients, the public and communities 
  2. . Support UK biomedical and health research to strengthen its global competitiveness and reputation 
  3. . Support the next generation of researchers to reach their full potential 
  4. . Work with our partners to increase the Academy’s impact on global health
  5.  Build our resources to ensure our long-term independence and effectiveness 


You can read more about our strategy 2022-2032 here  

What the internship scheme provides 

The scheme will:

  • Provide future researchers and academic leaders with a deeper understanding of the UK and international grant review process and career development support programmes, gaining a valuable insight into the wider funding landscape at a critical and exciting time.
  • Allow interns to gain insights into all aspects of the Academy’s work and experience working in a non-research focussed organisation, including learning about the management of research funding, organising events, science communications and biomedical research policy. 
  • Allow interns to develop a wider network of contacts, both through their access to the Academy’s prestigious Fellowship and work with other Academy stakeholders, such as the UK National Academies.
  • Provide opportunities for BBSRC PhD students to develop valuable transferable skills and to enhance their CVs.
  • The intern will be embedded within the Academy’s Careers Team and, as an early career researcher, will provide valuable perspective in the development of our schemes and programmes.


Activity of interns
During the internship, the intern will be involved in a wide variety of activities that will provide them with experience in the management of research funding and career development programmes within the biomedical research field.

The intern will be involved in tasks that are consistent with the role of a Grants Officer and a Programme Officer at the Academy and will lead on discrete projects with the support of the wider Careers Team. The range of activities the intern might be involved in include:

  • Supporting our growing portfolio of grant schemes, including assessing eligibility of applicants, identifying peer reviewers, attending decision-making Panel meetings and preparing feedback to the applicants.
  • Supporting the delivery of our career development programmes, including our flagship mentoring scheme. 
  • Assisting in the organisation and delivery of workshops, conferences and other career development events, e.g. arranging venues, preparing conference materials, helping to co-ordinate activities on the day. 
  • Contributing to the publicity and communications strategy of the Careers Team, including social media activities, a regular electronic bulletin, news stories and blog posts for the website.
  • Liaising with the Academy’s Fellowship, external stakeholders, funders and other professional bodies.


Structure of the scheme
Four internships will be offered in three-month time blocks from March 2024 - January 2025. Candidates are invited to indicate their preferred time to undertake the placement, although we cannot guarantee the timing of placements.

We expect the internships to be full-time positions for the full three-month period.  However, in exceptional circumstances, the Academy will consider requests for a reduced duration.  To facilitate this time away from research, the students’ stipend is covered during the three-month internship as part of their BBSRC funding.

Remote working

Academy staff are currently working in an agile, hybrid manner. We do not operate a set number of days, however many work towards one day a week in the office or attending face-to-face meetings and events. Furthermore, you may be asked to travel elsewhere within the UK as part of internship activities, and in such circumstances, expenses will be provided at the Academy’s normal rates. We would like to provide reassurance that we will discuss with you the feasibility of any travel, either to the Academy or elsewhere in the UK for internship activities, in consideration of government guidelines and your personal circumstances.

Each intern will be allocated a supervisor from among the Academy staff who will:

  • Provide line management and guidance.
  • Conduct entry and exit interviews.
  • Co-ordinate review of the work produced by the intern.
  • Carry out relevant administration in accordance with the Academy’s Human Resources policies. 



The scheme is open to all BBSRC funded PhD students. BBSRC students are normally able to undertake a three-month internship through the Professional Internships for PhD Students (PIPS) scheme.

Applications must be endorsed by each student’s primary PhD project supervisor. Candidates must ensure that they leave enough time to secure this endorsement before they submit their application.

Placements on the scheme are allocated on a competitive basis so withdrawal from the scheme once a place is accepted is likely to result in another potential intern being denied the opportunity to participate.  

Selection criteria


  • Excellent written and verbal communications skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Team player
  • Excellent IT skill
  • Good literacy and numeracy skills


  • Participates in teams and engages with others effectively, understanding the benefits of collaborative working.
  • Able to plan own work to ensure maximum effectiveness and prioritises to ensure tasks completed within deadline.
  • Shows awareness of the Academy's vision and strategic priorities.
  • Considers differing audiences and adapts communication style accordingly.
  • Networks effectively with stakeholders internally and externally.
  • Respects the diverse values, views and experiences of others.

Other information

Application procedure 
Candidates are asked to supply – all in PDF format:

  • A completed application form(please see below to download) that includes a personal statement describing their reasons for application as well as an endorsement and a supporting statement from their supervisor.
  • An up-to-date CV. (

If you experience any technical issues with the form please get in touch with Maksi Vicheva (Senior HR Officer), at [email protected].

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview with a selection panel of Academy staff. 

Applications must be received by noon, Monday 5 February 2024.







































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