Shape of Training recommendations discussed

On Thursday 17 April, the Academy convened a high level scoping group, chaired by Sir Patrick Sissons FMedSci, to consider the impact of the recommendations in the Shape of Training report on clinical academia.

Members of the group were:

Professor Sir Patrick Sissons FMedSci (Chair), Emeritus Regius Professor of Physic, University of Cambridge.

Professor Edwin Chilvers FMedSci, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Cambridge.

Professor Peter Hutchinson, Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Cambridge.

Professor Charles Pusey FMedSci, Professor of Medicine, Imperial College London.

Professor Julian Sampson FMedSci, Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Cardiff.

Doctor Katherine Sleeman MRCP, PhD, Clinical Lecturer in Palliative Medicine, Cicely Saunders Institute, Kings College London.

Professor Moira Whyte FMedSci, Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Head of Department of Infection and Immunity.

Professor John Iredale FMedSci, Professor of Medicine, Director MRC Centre for inflammation research and Dean of Clinical Medicine (John was unable to attend the meeting but will provide input on papers).

Professor Chris Pugh FMedsci, Professor of Renal Medicine, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford. (Chris was unable to attend the meeting but will provide input on the papers).

Professor Paul Stewart FMedSci, Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Leeds. (Paul was unable to attend the meeting but will provide input on the papers).

The group discussed how the report’s recommendations might present opportunities to optimise clinical academic training. 

A succinct position paper was developed that aimed to provide constructive input to the report's implementation group.


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