Science Minister launches consultation on changes to Higher Education

The Science Minister, Jo Johnson MP, has launched a Green Paper – Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice – which sets out proposed changes the higher education landscape, and calls for input on how best to shape this new model. The scope of the consultation encompasses the future delivery of dual support to institutions, and the next Research Excellence Framework exercise.

The Academy will be providing input to this consultation process, to ensure that any changes to the Higher Education landscape further strengthen the UK’s world-leading research base and the value this sector generates for students, the public and the wider economy.

Professor Sir John Tooke FMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, said:

“We welcome this review of the UK’s Higher Education sector, to ensure it continues to perform optimally within a changing landscape for funding and education. Our Universities are at the heart of our research base, and consistently rank among the very top institutions in the world. They represent a major asset for the UK – fostering a new generation of skilled workers and maintaining the UK’s position at the cutting edge of research and innovation.

We look forward to engaging with the Minister to ensure that this review process acknowledges these strengths, and that any changes to the landscape build on this success.”

For more information, and to download a copy of the Green Paper, visit the consultation website.

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