President's appeal to Fellows

During a talk given at New Fellows Admissions Day, The Academy's President, Sir Robert Lechler, reminded Fellows of the importance of the Helix Group and encouraged them to join this esteemed group of supporters.

Sir Robert thanked the 100 existing Helix Group members for their valuable annual support and encouraged incoming Fellows to become a member and contribute to the vital funds needed to increase the Academy's capacity to fulfil its ambitious goals.

The President highlighted how philanthropic support has helped the Academy retain its position as one of the UK's leaders in the medical sciences and continues to support is as we make a step change in our policy activities and significantly enhance our support for early career biomedical researchers.

The outcome of the recent referendum and the consequent decision to leave the EU was highlighted as an area that will require concentrated effort across the board to facilitate the best possible outcome for the medical sciences, and Sir Robert pointed out that the Academy must be able to provide the resources to support the Fellowship to achieve this.

Helix Group members donate £250 or more each year to the Academy and are invited to an annual reception with the President and receive public recognition on the donor board in the Fellow's Room at Portland Place, as well as on the website and in Academy publications.

For more information on joining the Helix Group please visit our dedicated Helix page.

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