Academy welcomes HRA's new approval system

The Academy welcomes the extension of HRA Approval, the Health Research Authority's new streamlined approval system for NHS research

The Health Research Authority today announced the expansion of HRA Approval, a centralised and streamlined approval system for conducting research in the NHS in England. The system includes a review by a Research Ethics Committee as well as an assessment of regulatory compliance, which remove the need for duplicate application routes for the same study. HRA Approval will simplify the approval process for research, making it quicker and easier for research studies to be set up.

In response to the HRA's announcement, Professor Sir John Tooke PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences said:

“The Academy has long championed the advantages of a centralised assessment system in promoting common standards and common interpretation of regulation across the sites of a research study.

"We are delighted to hear that the HRA will shortly be providing NHS Trusts with a simplified, streamlined and quality assured assessment for non-interventional research in the NHS.

"A simplification of the complex process of obtaining research permissions will mean patients get faster access to drugs and treatments, and the UK will continue to be an attractive place for investment in health research.

 "I hope that the Academy's Fellows and other researchers will take advantage of the new system."

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