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InterAcademy Medical Panel calls for greater action on hearing loss

The InterAcademy Medical Panel (now known as the InterAcademy Partnership for Health), of which the Academy is a member, has released a statement: 'A Call for Action to Strengthen Healthcare for Hearing Loss'. The statement coincides with the World Health Organisation's International Ear Care Day on 3 March, and has been launched in parallel with a Comment article published in The Lancet.

Highlighting the global impact of hearing loss - affecting 360 million people worldwide, including 32 million children - the statement calls on Governments and healthcare providers to focus on:

  • Improved healthcare provision in the area of hearing loss, such as universal screening in birthing centres and making hearing aids and cochlear impacts accessible and affordable.
  • Ensuring public heath measures account for the causes of hearing loss.
  • Addressing hearing loss in both children and adults while acknowledging the difference between these groups.
  • Addressing broader societal needs, such as providing educational programmes for children with hearing loss, their relatives and communities.
  • Establishing research and innovation programmes targeted at hearing loss priorities, including the development of novel screening and diagnostic techniques to improve the early detection of hearing loss in children and encouraging innovation to develop affordable high-quality, low-cost hearing aids and low-cost batteries.

Professor Lai Meng Looi, of the Academy of Sciences, Malaysia and IAMP co-chair, said: 'Hearing loss is a major global health challenge, but because it is often preventable and avoidable, the time has come to rally round the key areas highlighted in the IAMP Statement'. She further added that 'What is needed is a global, concerted and sustained effort to improve the lives of everyone who suffers from hearing loss. Such an effort will be worth it - not only for those who suffer directly, but also to their families, friends and wider society.'

The statement was developed by a working group of experts from across the world, representating a number of IAMP member Academies. The Academy of Medical Sciences is grateful to Professor Mark Haggard CBE FMedSci for his contribution to this group.

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