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Honorary Officers Election 2014

At the June meeting, the Council of the Academy unanimously elected Professor Christopher Day FMedSci as the Academy’s next Vice-President (clinical) and Professor Anne Dell CBE FRS FMedSci  as the next  Treasurer.


Both Officers will begin their 4 year terms of service at the Academy’s AGM on 2 December, when the current Vice President, Professor Sir Patrick Sissons, and  Treasurer, Professor Susan Iversen, step down from their roles. 

Honorary Officers of the Academy each serve a 4 year term of office, their role being to provide strategic advice on all aspects of Academy business and procedures. The Honorary Officers retire by rotation at each Annual General Meeting. 

The process for electing Honorary Officers is set out in Section XIII of the Academy’s Standing Orders . The process is overseen by a Search Committee, which in this case was chaired by the President and comprised Professors Moira Whyte (Registrar), Martin Humphries (Vice-President non-clinical), Anna Dominiczak (Council member) and Peter Weissberg (Council member).

Confidential suggestions for candidates and expressions of interest were sought by the President in a circular to the Fellowship sent in January 2014. Contact was made with all Fellows who were suggested or expressed interest, and the Search Committee met in March, April and May to discuss potential candidates. Formal nominations were received by the deadline of 31 May 2014.

As set out in the Standing Orders, in electing Honorary Officers, Council is asked to consider candidates who can command the greatest support of the Fellows and best fulfil the responsibilities of an Honorary Officer. Candidates should demonstrate high academic standing, a significant track record of achievement, the ability to represent the different constituencies within the Academy, and the ability to commit sufficient time and energy to the role.


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