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Academy welcomes the launch of HRA Approval

The Health Research Authority has today confirmed that their new streamlined application process will be available for the majority of research in the NHS from March 2016.

HRA Approval is a centralised and streamlined and simplified approval system for conducting research in the NHS in England. It has been created to remove the need for duplicate application routes for the same study and speed up the set up of research studies.

In response to the HRA's announcement, Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences said:

“I am pleased to see that the HRA's new research approval system is nearing completion. I am sure a centralised and simplified assessment system such as HRA Approval will help reduce the time required to initiate important research projects.

"I am delighted to see the HRA improving and streamlining the regulation and governance of health as we envisaged for it five years ago in our report A new pathway for the regulation and governance of health research, which recommended its establishment.

"Very soon this approval system will be the norm for researchers in the NHS in England. This simplification should contribute to keep the UK at the forefront of medical research, and will mean our patients will be able to access new drugs and treatments sooner."

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