Academy response to 2015/16 science spending allocations

For immediate release Monday 10 February 2014

Following The Department of Business Innovation & Skills’ announcement of financial allocations for 2015/16 Science spending Professor Sir John Tooke PMedSci, President, Academy of Medical Sciences said,


“I welcome the Government’s commitment to maintain current levels of investment in research and innovation. Continuing to apply the ring fence around spending on science and research is a vital, but an understandably tough decision in these challenging financial times.

Investment in research and innovation is essential to drive economic growth and deliver societal and health benefits. Maintaining support for research sends a positive signal to international investors and will leverage the very considerable resource of the UK medical research charity sector. However, we must seek to grow public investment in science and innovation over the longer term if we are to harness fully the unique advantages of the UK's scientific talent and infrastructure.

The Academy will be considering the broader impact of the specific allocations announced for higher education institutions. We remain committed to making the UK the best place for research and learning across the medical sciences and will work with the university and research sectors to realise this agenda.”


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For further information contact Holly Rogers, [email protected] 020 3176 2183

Notes for Editors
The Academy of Medical Sciences is the independent body in the UK representing the diversity of medical science. Our mission is to promote medical science and its translation into benefits for society. The Academy’s elected Fellows are the United Kingdom’s leading medical scientists from hospitals, academia, industry and the public service. We work with them to promote excellence, influence policy to improve health and wealth, nurture the next generation of medical researchers, link academia, industry and the NHS, seize international opportunities and encourage dialogue about the medical sciences.


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