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Professor Sir Shankar Balasubramanian FRS FMedSci

Job Title
Herchel Smith Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Senior Group Leader at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of
University of Cambridge
Year elected



chemical biology, nucleic acids, genome sequencing technology, DNA and RNA targeting drugs, DNA secondary structure, modified DNA bases, epigenetics

Section committee elected by

Physics, chemistry, biochemistry, structural biology, mathematical sciences including statistics, informatics, imaging and engineering applied to biomedicine

Online Information

Personal Website

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Lab Website

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Shankar Balasubramanian is the Herchel Smith Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. He is the co-inventor of the leading next generation sequencing methodology which has made routine, accurate, low-cost sequencing of human genomes a reality. He created Solexa sequencing, co-founded the biotech company Solexa to commercialise the technology and has remained a senior advisor to Solexa then Illumina over the past decade. He has made other seminal contributions to the field of nucleic acids and is a recognised leader of chemical biology and its application to molecular medicine.

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