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Professor Louise Arseneault FMedSci

Job Title
Professor of Developmental Psychology & ESRC Mental Health Leadership Fellow
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience
King's College London
Year elected



Advice on how social science research can best address the challenges that mental health poses for our society, communities and individuals, and investigate the positive and negative impact of social relationships on mental health and wellbeing.

Section committee elected by

Psychiatry, psychology and mental health, behavioural science, genomics, epidemiology, clinical trials, population health sciences and global health

Online Information

Personal Website

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Louise Arseneault, Professor of Developmental Psychology at Kings’ College London, is a world leader in the study of the development of mental health problems. The impact of her work on policy and practice is impressive: Her research on cannabis use as a potential cause for the development of schizophrenia informed politicians and policy makers when the British government prepared to declassify cannabis to a less harmful drug. Her more recent work contributed to claims that victimisation by bullies should be considered as a form of childhood abuse. Professor Arseneault translates scientific evidence to the general public and her findings generate great media interest.

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