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Professor Janet Lord FMedSci

Job Title
Professor of Immune Cell Biology; Director of MRC-Arthritis Research UK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research
Immunity and Infection
University of Birmingham
Year elected



Ageing of the immune and musculoskeletal systems and the impact on health in old age

Section committee elected by

Cellular and developmental biology, microbiology and immunology, genetics

Professor of Immune Cell Biology at University of Birmingham, Janet Lord has significantly advanced understanding of the effect of ageing upon immunity and its role in age-related frailty. She is an excellent inflammation biologist who repeatedly innovates by translating her findings into patient benefit. Janet has also made major contributions to scientific administration and policy through her roles with Help the Aged, BBSRC and MRC gaining extensive experience of influencing national policy on biomedical research. She is a gifted communicator, giving numerous public lectures, organising workshops for the public and visiting schools to talk about her research.

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