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Professor Irene Miguel-Aliaga FMedSci

Job Title
Professor of Genetics and Physiology
Imperial College London
Year elected



developmental biology, physiology, metabolism, genetics, intestine, enteric neurons, sex differences, organ plasticity, Drosophila

Section committee elected by

Cellular and developmental biology, microbiology and immunology, genetics

Online Information

Lab Website

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Institute Website

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Irene Miguel-Aliaga is Professor of Genetics and Physiology at Imperial College London. Her pioneering work with model organisms such as Drosophila has transformed our understanding of how organs communicate and the importance of the gut-brain axis for regulating metabolism. Her insights on brain-gut communication have huge implications for the treatment and prevention of metabolic illnesses such as diabetes and obesity. Her findings are important from a medical perspective as they may help to explain why diseases such as cancer are more common in women than men, and why men and women respond differently to treatments.

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