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Professor Paolo De Coppi FMedSci

Job Title
NIHR Professor of Paediatric Surgery; Nuffield Professor of Paediatric Surgery; Head of Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Secti
University College London (UCL)
Year elected



Paediatric Surgery Fetal Surgery Stem Cells Tissue Engineering Regenerative Medicine

Section committee elected by

Surgery, anaesthesia, oncology, clinical pathologies, radiology, oral health, ophthalmology, reproductive health

Online Information

Lab Website

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Paolo De Coppi is NIHR Professor of Paediatric Surgery at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. He leads one of a handful of research groups, worldwide, combining regenerative medicine with paediatric surgery. Following his extensive experience in organ decellularization, he was part of the team at Great Ormond Street Hospital that performed the first successful transplantation of a tissue-engineered trachea in a child. He has established the first centre performing foetal surgery in the UK. His team is conducting novel work investigating the use of miniaturizing instruments for the delivery of therapeutic solutions to foetuses, while minimizing maternal complications.

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