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Professor Mark Woodward FMedSci

Job Title
Professor of Medical Statistics, UNSW Sydney; Chair of Statistics, Epidemiology and Women's Health, Imperial College London
The George Institute for Global Health
Year elected



Global health, sex disparities, vascular diseases, diabetes, epidemiology, statistics, women's health, sex and gender

Section committee elected by

Primary care, health services research, health informatics, health improvement, social sciences, humanities, law, policy, communication or leadership as applied to health or biomedical science

Mark Woodward, Professor of Statistics and Epidemiology at the University of Oxford, is one of the world’s most widely published cardiovascular epidemiologists. He has published two textbooks on statistical methods in medical research, one of which is a standard text in public health courses at several universities. His work covers a broad landscape: the prevention of complications of diabetes; the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in Asia; sex differences in the effects of cardiovascular risk factors on disease incidence; and the causes and outcomes of renal disease. The impact of this work has been substantive with his work on renal disease becoming the basis for new staging criteria incorporated in clinical guidelines worldwide.

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