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Professor Jonathan Shepherd CBE FMedsci FLSW

Job Title
Professor Emeritus of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Professor, Crime and Security Research Institute
Cardiff University
Year elected



Clinical and population-based medical science, including dental surgery, surgery more widely, public health, criminology, randomised controlled trials and the translation of research findings into policy and practice

Section committee elected by

Surgery, anaesthesia, oncology, clinical pathologies, radiology, oral health, ophthalmology, reproductive health

Online Information

Personal Website

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Lab Website

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Jonathan Shepherd is Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Wales College of Medicine. His major contributions are in an unusual combination of dental science, injury research and criminology. He has shown the substantial extent to which violence which results in medical treatment is not reported to, or recorded by the police and prevalence of serious psychological sequelae such as post traumatic stress disorder in those injured in violence. He discovered that bar glassware was most frequently used in violence in the UK, established which glassware was used as weapons, and discovered the benefits in terms of injury prevention of a switch to toughened glassware. Consequently he led a campaign that persuaded the Home Office, the voluntary sector and manufacturers to switch bar glassware from annealed to toughened glass. This is a major contribution to public health.

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