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Professor Catherine Law CBE FMedSci

Job Title
Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology
University College London (UCL)
Year elected



inequalities in health, promoting children's health through a life course approach, research for policy,

Section committee elected by

Psychiatry, psychology and mental health, behavioural science, genomics, epidemiology, clinical trials, population health sciences and global health

Catherine Law is Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology at University College London. She is an international leader in public health science, respected for her rigorous contributions to applied health research, strategic research commissioning, and translating evidence to improve public health policy and practice. Her research recognises the circumstances of children’s lives and emphasises the opportunities that public policy and services have to promote children’s health now and in the future. |Professor Law’s appointments at UCL, as inaugural chair of NICE’s standing committee in public health, and inaugural Programme Director of NIHR’s Public Health Research Programme attest to her outstanding contributions to research and public service.

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